Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Thank you for subscribing to's subscription service (the "Service"). We value your satisfaction and strive to provide a positive experience. Please read our refund policy carefully. By subscribing to our service, you agree to comply with this refund policy. If you do not agree with any part of this policy, please refrain from using the Service.

Refund Eligibility 

Monthly Subscriptions: Users can claim a refund within 30 days of the purchase of a monthly subscription plan if they are not satisfied with the selected plan or quality of service.

Refund Process

 a. To request a refund, please contact our customer support team at and provide your subscription details, including your full name and email address associated with the subscription.

 b. Refunds will be processed within a reasonable timeframe after we receive your refund request.

Non-Refundable Items

a. Special Offers and Discounted Plans: No refunds are applicable to special offers and discounted plans. 

b. Non-Renewable Plans: Non-renewable plans are not subject to any refunds.

c. Add-ons: Add-ons are non-refundable.

Repayment Conditions

a. Payment Channel: Once the refund is processed, it will be returned to the same payment channel through which it was received. Please note that bank charges may be deducted from the refundable amount. 

b. Consumption History: Our team will analyze your consumption history, including the number of pages and words checked, which may affect the repayable amount.

Manual Cancellation 

a. Profile Cancellation: Customers can cancel their subscriptions by accessing their profiles and following the provided cancellation process. 

b. Cancellation Request: If you wish to cancel your subscription, you can also contact us directly, and your request will be processed within 2-3 working days.

Cancellation of Service

 We reserve the right to cancel a user's subscription under the following circumstances: 

a. Terms and Conditions: If a user violates our terms and conditions, we may cancel their subscription. 

b. Usage Patterns: If a user does not follow the established usage patterns set by, we may cancel their subscription. 

c. Customer Service Request: If we receive a request for cancellation from our customer service team, we may cancel the user's subscription. 

d. Reputation and Abuse: If a user attempts to harm the reputation or work of, we may cancel their subscription. e. Law Enforcement: If we receive abuse requests related to a user's actions from law enforcement agencies, we may cancel the user's subscription.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund policy, please contact us at

Last updated: 21/06/2023


